Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kitchen Tips & Tricks #4: Tools for the Trade

I'm married to a Gear-Head.  He has a garage full of tools!  It seems that he has a tool for everything!  But every now and then, something will break and he will have to buy, rent or borrow a tool in order to fix it.  If he doesn't have the right tool, it makes it very difficult, and sometimes impossible for him to get the job done.

We also need the right tools in order to do our work the best we can.  I'm not talking about hammers and wrenched {though you never know when you will need one of those...}  I am talking about kitchen tools.  Granted, our grandmothers didn't have the same kinds of tools we have now and got along just fine.  But there are so many things we can do faster, better, in more bulk, and in less time than our grandmothers did. {And besides that, they didn't have the full-time job of homeschooling on top of all their regular daily tasks!}

Some of my favorite kitchen tools include:

1.  My nice, stainless steel cookware!  I wish we'd have bought this when we were first married, rather than that cheap stuff with the black lining that came off in our food!  It was expensive, but so much healthier for our family to eat from!

2. My KitchenAid mixer!  She's a heavy-duty and she does great with homemade bread, too!

3. My Pampered Chef meat chopper!  I love this thing!  It helps me get the hamburger chopped up into fine pieces instead of big chunks.

These are only a few of my favorite tools.  What works for me may not work, you may not like!  Your favorite tools, I might not like!  What's important is that we each have what we need.

But most importantly, the best tool of all.

Without it, I am not a fit wife, mother, or person, for that matter.  For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Have a great day!

  Linkin' up with Esther!

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