Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Birthdays

 For Tyler's 22nd birthday, {July 25} I made him brownies... from scratch!  I  Dallas had ZERO faith in me and thought that there was NO WAY my brownies from scratch would be fit to eat.  He was wrong.  They were fantastic!  Tyler worked on his birthday. {Welcom to adulthood. ;-)}

Mary turned 5 on July 26.  The last year or so we take the party to Grandma & Grandpa Dale because they really want to see the kids on their birthdays and can't travel.  Grandma made the cake, Corah & I decorated it.
 On July 29 Mary got to have her first  friend party.  Of course, when a girl turns 5, she loves princesses!  So we had a princess party.  Above is the guests with Mary in the middle.
 This was the princess dance competition.  The girl in the middle by the piano {Eden} won!

 Party time!  A chocolate princess cake {of course}.

Princess Mary Elisabeth

For Dallas' birthday on August 2nd, I made him a big breakfast with an omlet & French toast. Banana cream pie was in place of a cake and we celebrated before  he left for work.

We have so many birthdays in a row, it is hard to do each one justice, but we try to make them special, anyway.  Sorry, guys, but the princess party was by far my favorite!  What girl {of any age} doesn't enjoy a little royal treatment once in a while?!

The Queen 

1 comment:

  1. What fun!!! Melody is trying to plan her own birthday party! We usually only do family parties. Pretty little girls! Happy Birthday Mary! I can't believe she is that big already.
