Thursday, March 17, 2011

OK, Lord, OK! I give up...

my pants!  Whoa!  Where did that come from?!  Well, I guess you could say, YEARS of prep work by the Holy Spirit... and I have run out of excuses!  I used to criticize women who always wore skirts.  Then, after noticing who was wearing them, I started getting a little curious and started asking people:  "Do you always wear a skirt?" and "Why?"  Usually the "why" was because their husbands liked it or wanted them to.  That was easy.  So I asked Dallas and he laughed.  "No!  That isn't practical for your 'job'."  (You know, on the floor changing diapers and mopping us messes all the time!)  So I put if off.

But the Spirit kept prodding.  But I had plenty of excuses:  my feet hurt and it looks dumb to wear tennishoes with a skirt... I am too cold in the winter to wear a skirt... I don't have very many skirts.  People will make fun of me (more family than friends)... Sometimes it is intimidating to an unsaved person, like you are 'holier than thou' because they aren't dressed that way...  I can be modest and feminine in jeans or pants...

One by one, the Spirit has gently lead me through each one.  He has even helped my feet feel better so I can wear more "normal" shoes! (That is IF I can find them narrow enough that they don't fall off my feet!)  Once the weather warmed up, He said, "OK, this is it!"   He lead me to a very convincing website that has been very encouraging and convincing.  After reading several of these articles, I cleaned out my jeans drawer and filled the space with the casual denim skirts He has provided via garage sales and thrift stores.

The next dilema would be "How will Dallas react to t his?"  Well, he never said a word!  Now about my daughters, they have always worn pants, too.  I provide for and dress Mary and Leah, they are easy.  But what about Corah?  She used to love dressing up and wearing pretty dresses when she was little, but by my example, she has mostly worn jeans in recent years.  So I gave her an article to read and waited to see the results.  Next day, she got dressed in jeans.  OK, I wasn't going to shock her and make her suddenly change.  Two hours later, she changed on her own!  When I asked her why, she said, "I am going to wear skirts from now on!"  (Isn't she so sweet?!)  My hope, is that she will have her own convictions on the matter.

I couldn't make the switch until I had developed my own convictions, so that when someone asked me, I would have my own answer.  So here it is:  I feel more feminine in a skirt.  It reminds me who really wears the pants in the family (my submission).  I feel more modest in a skirt, since women's jeans are so tight, focussing on the shape of the hiney (which is information to be kept between me & Hubby!)  And, of course, don't forget the Scripture!  Deuteronomy 22:5 "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God."  (I know this is a big debate, but how would you feel if your husband wore a skirt?!)    1 Timothy 2:9, 10  "...that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works."

So there it is!  Why I surrendered my pants to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm proud of you. That's a big decision to make, especially when you have daughters. Here is a post I did a long time ago, but the points are so good I wanted to share. Your new follower, Maria
