Friday, May 6, 2011

What a Day!

As a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, we usually just, you know, stay home.  We do school.  We go to Academy two afternoons a week.  We go to church.  We go to the grocery store.  But today was different.  My [very brave] neighbor watched my 5 kiddos so I could go to Ethan's (Jordyn's boyfriend's) graduation from wonderful Faith Baptist Bible College (my alma mater!).  The grduation was at 11a.m. so I promised to be gone only from 10a. to 2p.  True to my word (and my personality) I rolled in the driveway around 2:12.  I was greeted at the door with a desperate, "Do you have a minute?"  While all our children had been playing in their barn, one of her daughters fell and possibly broke her arm!  So she was going to take her daughter to the doctor for x-rays while I took her kids for the afternoon!  That was fine, as long as she was back in time for me to go to the same clinic for Leah's strep re-check and my back adjustment at 4:45.  Everything went great, except that her 2-year-old would't take a nap and she got back just in time for me to leave for my appointment!  {If the arm is broken, it didn't show up on x-rays so she has a re-check in a week.}  My [very, very brave] neighbor took Peter & Mary {after all she'd been through!} while I took Leah, Corah & Joseph stayed home to do homework.  Leah tested positive for strep after 10 days of antibiotic!  So then I had to go to the pharmacy, which is in the next town, another 5 miles, one way.  As I was heading home at about 6:15 I realized.... it was suppertime!  I have been gone most of the day and have nothing prepared!!  So we had a "clean out the fridge" night, whew! {my next cooking adventure is going to be "once-a-month cooking" so won't that be nice on a busy day like this to just pull a meal out of the freezer instead of wondering what to do?}  So now I am home for the evening.  The kids must be tired too because Peter asked if he could "please get ready for bed".  {I should take his temperature!}  Sounds good to me, too!  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................